Tuesday, January 5, 2016

Fish Food, Feeding Sessions & DIY

Posted By : Faz Zuk | Time : 4:14 PM | Series :
Reasons and Benefits of Feeding Home Made Fish Food and Feeding Session


There are many reasons to want to lessen your use of regular fish foods like pellets and flakes. A lot of the varieties available in your local pet stores are not of the quality we’d like them to be, especially in flake foods. They are also often very expensive and affordable in the long run.

This video is about discussing on the following three main points

1.Why you should use home made fish food

2.What are the BENEFITS

3.What I feed my Fish

Benefits of feeding diy fish food for your fish are many but I have broken it down to the to the following main benifits.

1.Cutting Costs

2.Fresh and Nutritious
3.Healthy, Happy & Long Life
4.Less Phosphorus in the Tank
5.More enjoyment for us

Types of food i feed for my tropical fish 

This video is about the types of food that I feed for my tropical fish. . . I have a mix of tropical fish in my aquarium as its a community tank so I feed a variety of food for my fish in order to keep them healthy and build up great colors. I feed them with the best fish food available and I have explained it on my video. The video describes the types of food and the feeding times. Below are a list of my fish food in case its not clear enough in my video.

JBL Green Food - for my herbivorous and omnivorous fish
JBL Pelco - Its specially for sucker mouth fish like pelco.
New Life Spectrum - Its a high quality food as well for my fish mainly to keep them healthy from parasitic diseases.
Nutrafin Color Enhancing Flakes - Mainly to bring out the beautiful colors out of the fish
Tetra Color -  Specially for my Angels and for their color
Omega Vegie Micro Pellets
and pellet food for my Corys and Loaches

I would love to hear your views on my video . .Please subscribe to my channel and like us on Facebook. . . find links below.

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