Effects Of Not Running Co2 For 1 Week In My Planted Aquarium. Carbon dioxide is a very essential for a planted aquarium to bring out the best in aquarium plants. Watch the video for more info.
Carbon is the backbone of all life. Every organic molecule of every living organism is predominantly carbon based. Given this simple fact, it becomes clear why carbon dioxide (CO2) plays a pivotal role in the planted aquarium. Aquatic plants extract CO2 from their environment and employ it in a process called photosynthesis. Photosynthesis combines CO2, water and light energy to produce simple carbohydrates and oxygen (O2). Carbon dioxide (CO2) is one of the most important nutrients plants need in order to grow.
A depletion of CO2 can cause a variety of problems within a planted aquarium. The most notable is the stunted growth of plants and a paling in the leaves and stems. here is the fear of algal growth with increasingly low CO2 levels, which in turn can cause a lot of other problems including ammonia poisoning.
There are 3 known most important resources we need to supply when dealing with a planted aquarium:
1. Light
2. CO2
3. Micro and Macro nutrients